School Code.:81261      School Affiliation No-2131172   7900667337

Fee Structure


FEE HEAD P.G. To K.G. I To II III To V VI To VIII IX & X XI & XII(Science) XI & XII(Commerce/Art)
Registration Fee(New) 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Monthly Fee 1560 1810 2010 2110 2590 3325 3075
Caution Money(New Student)
- - - - 4000 4000 4000
Total 2060 2310 2510 2610 7090 7825 7575

Schedule Of Payment

Month Due Date P.G. To K.G. I To II III To V VI To VIII IX & X XI & XII(Science) XI & XII(Commerce/Art)
April 01-04-2021 1560 1810 2010 2110 2590 3325 3075
May + June 01-05-2021 3120 3620 4020 4220 5180 6650 6150
July 01-07-2021 1560 1810 2010 2110 2590 3325 3075
August 01-08-2021 1560 1810 2010 2110 2590 3325 3075
September 01-09-2021 1560 1810 2010 2110 2590 3325 3075
October 01-10-2021 1560 1810 2010 2110 2590 3325 3075
November 01-11-2021 1560 1810 2010 2110 2590 3325 3075
December 01-12-2021 1560 1810 2010 2110 2590 3325 3075
January 01-01-2022 1560 1810 2010 2110 2590 3325 3075
February + March 01-02-2022 3120 3620 4020 4220 5180 6650 6150
Total - 18720 21720 24120 25320 31080 39900 36900

Point To Remember :-

1. Fee is to be paid in cash, will be collected on all working days 1 to 7 day of relevant month.

2. A fine of Rs. 100/- per day shall be charged on late payment of fee, if it is paid after the 07 day of the relevant month.

3. If fee is not paid by the last date of the month without a valid reason, the student's name will be struck off from the register, therefore the name will only be registered on an additional payment of Rs. 100/-as re admission fee along with entire dues and late fee fine.

4. Any student whose fee is in arrears shall not be permitted to sit in the Examinations.

5. Any student joining the school in the MID-SESSION must pay full fee from the beginning of the session.

6. Transpertation fees 1000/-per month with in 15 km will be charged only for 11 months and to be paid by the parents with monthly tution fee according to given schedule.


Vill & Post :- Rasoola , Near Mujariya Chowki ,Ujhani ,Dist Budaun, Uttar Pradesh- 243639

Contact Details

Email Id :
Mobile. No.-7900667337,9720033488


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